No matter where you look, roses will accompany your stay at the Romantik Hotel Oberwirt. At the reception, a bouquet of vibrant blooms will warmly welcome you, while the colorful flowers on the rooms add a beautiful touch of color. As decorative elements at the table, they create an effortless sense of romance during your meals. The queen of flowers holds a special place for us.
You will also find the most beautiful of flowers in our AMADEA Spa, where it reveals its unique effects during treatments and therapies.
Blossom of Beauty
All the roses in and around our hotel come from our very own Rosarium – our private rose garden located close to the hotel. The fascination surrounding the queen of flowers inspired host Sepp Waldner to cultivate around 50 different rose varieties on a total of 2,000 rose bushes.
Among them is a very special one: the Oberwirt Rose, which stands out for its beautiful color and majestic presence.